Termination of Pregnancy due to Fetal Anomaly: Understanding the Procedure and its Implications

Termination of pregnancy due to fetal anomaly, also known as selective termination or fetal reduction, is a medical procedure performed when a developing fetus is diagnosed with a severe abnormality or anomaly that is incompatible with life or would result in significant physical or mental disabilities. Types Of Abortion Include in the blog

Dr Naina

3/8/20243 min read

Termination of pregnancy in uae
Termination of pregnancy in uae


Termination of pregnancy due to fetal anomaly, also known as selective termination or fetal reduction, is a medical procedure performed when a developing fetus is diagnosed with a severe abnormality or anomaly that is incompatible with life or would result in significant physical or mental disabilities.

The Decision-Making Process

The decision to terminate a pregnancy due to fetal anomaly is an incredibly difficult and personal one. It is often made by the expectant parents in consultation with medical professionals, including obstetricians, genetic counselors, and other specialists.

Medical advancements have allowed for earlier and more accurate detection of fetal anomalies through prenatal screening tests such as ultrasound, amniocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling. These tests can provide valuable information about the health and development of the fetus, helping parents make informed decisions about the continuation or termination of the pregnancy.

The Procedure

Termination of pregnancy due to fetal anomaly is typically performed through a medical or surgical procedure, depending on the gestational age of the fetus and the specific circumstances of the case.

1. Medical Termination

Medical termination, also known as medical abortion, involves the use of medications to induce the termination of the pregnancy. This method is typically used in the early stages of pregnancy, up to around 10 weeks gestation.

The medications used for medical termination include mifepristone, which blocks the hormone progesterone needed for the pregnancy to continue, and misoprostol, which causes contractions to expel the pregnancy. The process may take several hours or days, and it is important for patients to have follow-up appointments to ensure the successful completion of the procedure.

2. Surgical Termination

Surgical termination, also known as surgical abortion, is generally performed in the later stages of pregnancy, after 10 weeks gestation. There are different surgical methods available, including:

  • Dilation and Curettage (D&C): This procedure involves dilating the cervix and removing the contents of the uterus using suction or a curette.

  • Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): D&E is performed in the second trimester and involves dilating the cervix and removing the fetus using suction and surgical instruments.

  • Induction: Induction involves the use of medications to induce labor and deliver the fetus. This method is typically used in cases where the fetus has reached a stage of development where it can survive outside the womb.

Post Abortion Care

After a termination of pregnancy due to fetal anomaly, comprehensive post-abortion care is essential to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of the individual who underwent the procedure. The five key elements of post-abortion care include:

1. Medical Follow-up

Following a termination of pregnancy, it is crucial to have a follow-up appointment with a healthcare provider to ensure that the procedure was successful and to address any potential complications or concerns. This may involve a physical examination, ultrasound, or blood tests.

2. Emotional Support

The decision to terminate a pregnancy due to fetal anomaly can be emotionally challenging and may result in feelings of grief, guilt, or sadness. Access to counseling services or support groups can provide much-needed emotional support during this time.

3. Contraception Counseling

After a termination of pregnancy, individuals should receive comprehensive counseling on contraception options to prevent future unintended pregnancies. This may include discussions about hormonal contraception, intrauterine devices (IUDs), or barrier methods.

4. Family Planning Services

Post-abortion care should include access to family planning services to support individuals in making informed decisions about their reproductive health. This may involve discussions about future pregnancy intentions, preconception care, and fertility counseling.

5. Referral for Specialized Care

In cases where the termination of pregnancy due to fetal anomaly is particularly complex or emotionally challenging, referral to specialized care providers, such as mental health professionals or support groups specifically tailored for individuals who have undergone similar experiences, may be beneficial.


Termination of pregnancy due to fetal anomaly is a deeply personal decision that requires careful consideration and support from medical professionals. Understanding the procedure itself, as well as the importance of comprehensive post-abortion care, is crucial for individuals who find themselves facing this difficult situation. By providing the necessary medical, emotional, and contraceptive support, healthcare providers can help individuals navigate this challenging time with compassion and understanding.

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